Your ADHD is a part of you, but it doesn't have to define you. With diagnosis and proper treatment, you can get it under control so you can be effective in every aspect of your life. In many cases, you may have to use one or more methods of ADHD treatment in order to overcome your ADHD. Here are a few things you can try:
1. Set yourself up for success.
Once you know that you struggle with ADHD, you can come up with a plan to mitigate its effects. Set yourself up for success in everyday life by developing healthy habits. Regular exercise can help you burn off excess energy so you can stay focused throughout the day. If possible, you should also try to maintain a positive outlook when it comes to your condition. Remember that there's nothing wrong with having ADHD. When you can view your ADHD in a positive and accepting light, you'll be able to more readily adapt.
2. Consider medication.
Many people find that medication helps them manage their condition. If you have difficulty focusing at work or completing tasks, medication can help. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms to find out if medication is right for you. Some people may be concerned about side effects, but ADHD medication has come a long way in recent years. There are now long-acting, slow release medications available; these typically come with fewer side effects than their fast-acting counterparts.
3. Seek counseling.
ADHD is first and foremost a physiological condition, but it also has a psychological component. A counselor with experience treating patients with ADHD can help you understand and redirect some of your unhelpful thought patterns. Cognitive behavioral therapy is useful for this purpose. If you don't like your first counselor, try others until you find a therapist that you feel comfortable with.
4. Try alternate methods of treatment.
If medication is ineffective at controlling your ADHD symptoms, rest assured there are other methods available to help you. Neurofeedback is one such treatment that shows remarkable promise. It's like any other counseling session, but with a small change: During a neurofeedback session, you'll be attached to an EEG machine that shows your brain activity. Your counselor will ask you to perform basic activities that stimulate your brain in certain ways. Ideally, over time these activities will change the way your brain responds, so you will be able to focus on tasks for longer periods of time without interruption.